Extra, extra read all about it!!


How are you? Well I was planing on this being posted two weeks ago along with a few other bits and bobs but as we all know sometimes Monday’s work goes into Tuesday, Tuesday’s work goes into Wednesday and so on so your a week behind and then end up not well :( on top of it so there goes another week and as much as I tried to even finish some admin work my brain was telling me…Nope!! not today.

The good thing is I’m only working on my own pieces of furniture/interiors to sell so my only deadlines are the ones I give myself easy right… ha ha no. I still find it hard to switch off as does most when running a business, with having ideas of where I want the business to go or the colour of fabric for a chair, what I’m going to post online, should I start that chair tonight. It is 24/7 and as I’m a one person band it can be hard to keep juggling everything and keeping all the balls up in the air … though I feel really lucky and grateful to be in the position I am even sitting writing this was meant to be my chill time with Tommy watching game of thrones again from the start (For the second time which I’m totally understanding who’s who now)

Before I got un-well I had decided to take a little break from social media and I’m still off it… that’s been just over a week and its been easier than I thought, when running a business you are told you must post everyday to create engagement to keep people interested and ironically this will share onto twitter and Facebook haha, but I can see why some people will have someone to run their social media platforms as its a job in its self. I was finding myself rushing to finish furniture/interiors just so I had something to post so I decided that’s not what I want and to have a break.

I will be back on soon going to try for a month fingers crossed I last that long : ) I want to focus on more than just social media, although I’m loving pinterest as its a fantastic app if you love DIY, fashion, crafting or designing your dream home that’s what mine consists of I never thought I would love a fancy sink. It is full of ideas they are just a few, its not a plug for pinterest but if you are feeling a wee bit fed up with Facebook and Instagram that’s something a little different for you, you could plan your dream holidays, next tattoo or your next haircut too. I use mine more for how I’m going to have my dream home, you can check ours out at the links at the bottom of website pages : )

Not like me to go off on a tangent said no-one who knows me ha, going back to having the break form social media, I was thinking about other ways of reaching out to have better engagement with people so!!! I have created a newsletter - were you will be the first to know about new pieces of furniture, new interiors and all other news that’s happening at Turnstyle13. I will still continue to write a blog as well, although there will be more details and offers with the newsletter, if you are interested there is a subscribe in the home page of the website sign up and as a wee Thank you there is a discount code with 15% off so if you fancy you can treat yourself. I have also took off delivery charges so free delivery to anywhere mainland U.K if your not that far from us, then it could be me and Tatiana the transit delivering to your door : ) When you sign up you will get a Thank you email with the code as it its our first one i expect it might go into your junk/spam. Thank you for reading your the Best,

Until next time

Jenny - Turnstyle13 x

Happy new year aww wait!!

Hello there,

Well I hope you had a lovely time over the festive period it feels weird and probably is as now it is February and it was last year, although I have seen people writing about how long January has been.. not for me I feel the 1st month has flown in, it could be that I’ve been so busy finishing up the last of my customers commissions and moving all my stuff out of Crownpoint studios that I ran past my leave day by 9 days… oops :) Not like me to be late (said no one ever who knows me) its not till your moving you realise … I’ve got a lot of stuff… A lot.

As lucky as I have been to have had some of the nicest customers and get to work on some interesting items. I am so excited to be now working on my own colourful creations with a container overloaded with lots of interesting pieces and lots & lots of colourful fabrics that I’ve had to start planning on what I’m going to work on next, its my version of a kid in a sweetie shop.

Usually when I see a piece of furniture I start to think and visuliase of the colour of fabric or the colour of paint or both ha!! one thing is for sure its always going to be something bright and colourful. Once I start working on piece of furniture, I start to think what their name will be when they are complete.. yeah I like to give my finished furniture a name, and Yeah I’m that kinda crazy but I’m sure we are all a little crazy in our own way. (I hope) I like that each piece has a name so when I’m referring to friends or family I’ll say yeah Lucille or Penelope instead of the yellow one or the purple one, it also makes a wee bit more fun. I have lots of ideas so really looking forward to adding new pieces and names to the shop so watch this space : )

I’ve already started adding more finished pieces to the shop you can check them out here and their names ha!!, these are definitely for you if you looking for something a little different for your home. If you want to start off small you can add a little colour with some of our new colourful cushions or lampshades.

With more chairs and furniture getting added very very soon and I might be biased but they have some fantastic names so stay tuned.

Until next time

Jenny x


New cushions

New cushions

So this is christmas!!!


As John Lennon says ‘so this is Christmas and what have you done another year older and a new one just begun’ (bet you were signing that as you read it ha!! Me too)

Even though I know Christmas is in a few days it still doesn’t feel very chrismassy to me, even hearing Mariah Carey blasting out the radio - nope, putting my tree - nope, wrapping presents - nope, buying all the food (best time of the year for party food my favourtite ;)) - nope I don’t know if its the joys of getting older or being self employed and being a one woman band that it can be a bit harder as you don’t have a works night out, or colleagues to talk too to get you in the festive spirit. This is making me sound like a Bah hum bug!! I love Christmas and everything about it - songs, food, family time, food, decorations (tackier the better), food.

Crownpoint collective

Crownpoint collective

I always get really excited and a little sad at this time of year, excited to see what the new year will bring and sad looking back on the year I don’t know why as in business I have had a fantastic year maybe the wee sad bit is leaving crownpoint studios - yeah I’ll be sad to leave my workshop - but more about not seeing my workshop buddies everyday and having people who understand the trials and tribulations of running a small business, I know have made some great friendships with lots of collaborations happening next year, the other fantastic part of this is, we created the crownpoint collective and we had our first pop up market which was a great success we also raised £145 for the children’s hospital with our raffle. There will definitely be more pop ups happening so keep a look out for more popping up next year. As most business are closing down today for the festive period, a few from the collective are going for some Christmas cheer in their local so this might get me in the Christmas spirit or it might be the gin.

I would like to say MASSIVE thank you for all your custom, support, love and encouragement that make running this wee business a dream come true, excited and eternally grateful is an understatement of how I feel. Thank you.

All the best for for 2019 - Lang may yer lum reek

Jenny x


The time has come!!


Well I decided to name this blog, the time has come as I’ve made some decisions on the way I want Turnstyle13 and Turnstyle13 designs to go.I’ve

I’ve started to update the website that has been getting slightly neglected. I removed our stock page a few weeks ago as I think I knew then the direction I wanted to go, and that was back.

Dad helping me out at storage

Dad helping me out at storage

Yip!! back sounds mad as you’re meant to move forward and up in business but I believe that’s what I am doing. In any business group I’ve been in they always asked Why Did you start? and What was your reason for starting a business?, and that’s why I’m going back to the start as my big why was finding beautiful furniture that was in auctions, charity shops, given to me or even rescued out a skip. Funnily growing up you would be called a midgey raker for that. So I guess I’m a professional midgey raker : ).

The love for furniture and seeing the potential in unloved pieces and turning them into colourful interiors for your home, is the reason I’m going back to the start.

I made the decision to stop taking on work and commissions from customers eeekkk!! I said it.

I wanted to go back to create our own beautiful furniture and interiors to sell. I have been very lucky and feel grateful to have some of the most amazing customers, but while working on their furniture I have been neglecting my own container of furniture that is in desperate need of having a makeover.

I’ve add a shop to our own website which I’m going to be adding more furniture to as well as some interiors for you to buy to add a little colour to your home, I’ll also be probably doing a few markets to show our furniture, which brings me on to something else…

Crownpoint studios are having their own first pop market and yes!! its a Christmas one its 8th & 9th December 10am - 4pm so if you looking to buy from small business and shop local then come check it out.

As I’m going back to the start this means giving up my workshop at Crownpoint. I’m sad to leave the building as its an interesting building, I have been really lucky to have met and built some amazing friendships that created a great creative community which I’ll always be part of.

Some might look at my choices as crazy as I’m giving up paid work to take a chance on selling my own furniture. But that’s ok as I know that this isn’t the end… Its only the beginning ; )

Until next time

Jenny x
